What are your Million Dreams? (Part 1/9)

The Greatest Showman touched upon themes such as discrimination, identity, and etc.. And yes the story was inspired by P.T. Barnum and how he created the circus, but I found myself discovering a different story played out through the songs. You can read my first post about that here.

This post will discuss some of the lyrics from the song, A Million Dreams. In A Million Dreams,God is saying, “Bring me along with you on your journey and tell me about these dreams and desires that you have.”

Here are a few of the lyrics with an explanation:


I close my eyes and I can see / The world that’s waiting up for me / That I call my own

  • Explanation: We are God’s ambassadors and we’re called to represent God’s love in this world. The world is always expecting things from us. People plan out how our life should be. But what do you want? What did God create you for?

Through the dark, through the door/ Through where no one’s been before / But it feels like home

  • Explanation: This world is imperfect but we are a part of it and we have to be uncomfortable sometimes in situations in order to show others who God is through us. So adjust to your surroundings and circumstances instead of only reacting to what comes your way.

They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy/ They can say, they can say I’ve lost my mind / I don’t care, I don’t care, so call me crazy

  • Explanation: (Yeah, sometimes us Christians are called crazy people lol) But really, sometimes the plans God has for you is crazy to other people. Sometimes the desires and dreams you have are crazy to others and they think you can’t accomplish it. But who cares what they say! Give it a shot!

We can live in a world that we design / ‘Cause every night I lie in bed / The brightest colors fill my head / A million dreams are keeping me awake

  • Explanation: But that’s okay! Let’s create something new. Some of us have a million dreams filled in our heads that we want to accomplish

I think of what the world could be / A vision of [The One] I see

  • Explanation: The world needs more Love and God is love. If only this world was more of a reflection of the Lord and what godly love truly looks like. By pursuing our desires and dreams, we can help shine the light of Love, the light of Christ, in this world.

Now we skip to when God is speaking with us:

However big, however small / Let me be part of it all / Share your dreams with me / You may be right, you may be wrong

  • Explanation: No matter what your dreams are, share them with the Lord. He wants to hear them even though he knows the outcome of every step you make. Ask for your desires to align with His desires for you.

But say that you’ll bring me along / To the world you see

  • Explanation: God just wants to be a part of your world. In every decision you make–big and small.

A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make

  • Explanation: With God on your side, you are unstoppable. He is with you with every step you take. Together, you and God can create big things.


I also love how the song goes from a child singing to an adult singing. It can represent the fact that God is with us every step of the way, wanting to be a part of our life and is actually listening to our hopes, dreams, and concerns as we grow up. As the bible verse says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you”-John 15:7. Or even, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed”-Proverbs 16:3.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this! What do you get out of these lyrics? Comment below!


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Believer | Writer | Bibliophile | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

2 thoughts on “What are your Million Dreams? (Part 1/9)

  1. I just ran across your blog. I have had the weirdest thing going on in my mind lately. I know it’s totally a God thing, I just haven’t been able to figure out what He’s trying to tell me. I’m enjoying reading your thoughts. I think what you have to say is so right! That movie is one of my favorites! I love all of the music, but had never thought about it in this way. I sing and play guitar and fiddle in my church band, and God speaks to me through music every day. I woke up one morning a few weeks ago with From Now on in my head, just out of the blue. Then A Million Dreams started up too. We have some life decisions going on right now, and I know God is speaking to me through all of those songs. Thank you so much for your blogs. I will read them all!


    1. I’m so glad this could help you! 😊God speaks to us in different ways. Continue to seek Him and I hope you soon figure out what He’s trying to tell you.


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